Ten Reasons Why I Personally Loved The Cosby Show
- Finally, a show about a black family that didn't lead to my white classmates asking me stupid questions (Them: "Is it hard living in the ghetto?" thisblackgirl: "My house is two doors down from yours!")
- Cliff Huxtable was an OB/GYN with the same sort of medical practice that I wanted to have someday. In fact, I've heard that The Cosby Show inspired many young black men and women to go into medicine and law.
- Claire Huxtable spoke flawless Spanish, just like mi abeula and all of the other black Hispanics that I never ever saw represented in the media.
- The stories often had no plot, but I was laughing so hard, I didn't ever want them to end.
- Bill Cosby somehow managed to make butt-ugly sweaters look cool. And he promoted black colleges just by wearing the school sweatshirts.
- Theo Huxtable started NYU at the same time that I started there and...
- ...while I was working at the NYU bookstore, I got an autograph from Malcolm Jamal Warner when he stopped by to purchase a school shirt. And Bill Cosby showed up at my undergraduate graduation.
- Denise's boho style really inspired me to do my own thing fashionwise
- My mother kinda resembled Phylicia Rashad, so every time I saw the show it reminded me of how beautiful my own mom is.
- Everyone in America got to see what it was like to have a slightly befuddled but cool black dad who was funny, wise, practical and playful and who loved his kids with all his heart. Kinda like my Dad.
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